CALL TO ACTION:Please attend the School Board meeting right after schoolon Tuesday, June 9, 2015, to demand that the Board direct the District tobargain in good faith and give full consideration to increasing the Districtcontribution towards benefits in order to maintain any negotiated increases toour salaries. We work hard and deserve to be fully compensated in our salariesand in the District contribution to our health benefits.NEGOTIATIONSUPDATE:The following was discussed at the June 3, 2015 negotiationsession: NMFT PROPOSAL: Increase the District Benefit Cap from $15,309.00to $18,000.00. The impact of our contract language on employeecontributions to health benefits, should the District fail to increase theBenefit Cap from $15,309.00 to $18,000.00, is defined in our CollectiveBargaining Agreement (CBA) 2014-2017, Article 13.3, p. 59:If plan modifications are not made or not adopted then effective for the first premium payment the residual dollar amount required beyond the funded cap shall be made by employee contribution paid through employee payroll deduction on a tenthly basis. NMFT PROPOSAL: A 6% salary to cover the potential increased costs ofbenefits and provide a meaningful raise. NMFT PROPOSAL: A me-too clauseto ensure that our salary schedules increase by the same percentage as the basesalaries for all other employee groups and employees. DISTRICT PROPOSAL: unit members who provide classroom instruction shall provide 188 days ofservice Two (2) days shall be reserved for staff development at the beginning ofthe school year NMFT COUNTER-PROPOSAL to the addition of two (2) days(total 188 days): Acceptance of the two additional work days conditioned on thetwo days being calculated per diem and then added to the salary schedule as wellas other provisions contained in Article 3.Your voice is needed at theSchool Board meeting after school on June 9, 2015! Please come and tell theBoard that you demand they direct the District to bargain in good faith oversalary, benefits, and other working conditions!negotiations_update__6.4.15.pdfYour Negotiations Team THANKSYOU for your support!~Nicholas * Tamara * Britt * Jaymi * Debra * Jerry *Kathe * Jean * Kimberly~