It really is a matter of respect for the job that we do and we are merely demanding equitable treatment.
The district wanted us to accept 2 additional professional development days, which would increase our work year from 186 to 188 days using a calculation that would not fully compensate us at the regular daily rate. They wanted us to increase secondary class size from 180 to 186. They wanted to impose a uniform 8-period block schedule on comprehensive high schools, which would deprive staff of their contractual right to conduct a waiver vote.
The district may lead you to believe that we walked away from a salary increase and an enhancement to our medical benefits package, but we have been fighting for increased salaries, increased benefits, and improved working conditions, and the district’s offer fell short on righting a historical wrong. We could not accept a meager raise and a slight increase of the district’s contribution to benefits in the face of enormous salary increases for the superintendent and high-level district administrators. We all deserve a meaningful increase to our salaries and benefits.
After months of negotiating, and last week’s 17-hour bargaining session ending at 1:23 am, we met again tonight with high hopes. Tonight, the district presented its Last, Best, and Final offer. This offer contained the condition that if we did not agree to all terms the district would remove the two additional staff development days and the offer of 30 minutes guaranteed preparation time. Because we could not agree to these unfavorable conditions tonight, we left the bargaining table at 9:39 pm.
We are open to resuming negotiations when the district demonstrates a willingness to give consideration to our demand for equity.
In solidarity,
Your NMFT Bargaining Team