Specifically, on June 24, 2015, we explained to the School Board that the Distric's proposal that teacher preparation time be used for collaboration meetings, is inconsistent with and a direct violation of our contract language. We explained that collaboration time is defined as one type of mandatory meeting that is to be held on modified days for those schools with early out/late start days or before/after school for those schools without modified days. We also reiterated our desire to reach a Tentative Agreement (TA).At last night's School Board meeting, we demonstrated our willingness to reach agreement by providing six (6) dates in which our bargaining team is available for negotiations this summer. We also objected to the School Board approval of a new salary schedule for administrators. We objected for several reasons, but mainly because the new salary schedule will result in some employees receiving a greater than 2.5% raise when the School Board is only offering 2.5% to other employees groups, including N-MFT and CSEA members. The salary schedule approved by the School Board last night increased the base pay for administrators by 10.5%!The N-MFT bargaining team remains committed to fighting for a salary increase equivalent to the increases given to other certificated employees and we stand in solidarity with the CSEA bargaining unit for pay equity.